Sun-Dried white chilies, 250g, Bhutan Growers
Sun-Dried white chilies from Bhutan without any additives or preservatives. The chilies are grown in Trashi Yangtse, the easternmost part of Bhutan. The district is popular for its unique taste of red and green chilies from Bhutan.
The chilli is considered special as it is not grown in other parts of the country.
Chillis play an important crop and are cultivated across the country. In Bhutan Chili is consumed both as spice and vegetable. The landrace variety of chilies are cultivated from the seeds stored from the previous season.
One of the most popular dishes made from chili is called ema datsi.
Botanical Name: Capsicum annum
Common Name: Landrace Hot pepper
Dried white chillies are called ema kam whereas dried green chillies are called hoo kam; they hail from different parts of central and western Bhutan
Product Description
- Vacuum packed/ sun dried and crumbled Bhutan white chilli
- No additives or preservatives
- Net weight 250gm
- Spice level: Medium spicy
- Height: 30cm
- Length: 24cm
We also have the following spices:
Organic Cardamom from Bhutan, Organic Turmeric Capsules, Organic Turmeric Powder (Curcuma Longa), Bhutanese Fiery Spice Bouquet, Bio Pure Ginger Powder, Black Turmeric, Celery Herbs, Chili Powder, Large Cardamom Powder, Natural Dried Bay Leaves, Sun Dried Chilli Flakes, Sun Dried Garlic, Sun Dried Red Chillies, Sun Dried Seedless Chilli Powder, Sun Dried Sichuan Pepper, Sersang Tumeric Powder, Tumeric Powder.
About the producer
Bhutan Growers is a family-run enterprise nurturing and fostering natural and local food from Bhutan. Bhutan Growers aspires to share the rich and gastronimic spices and treats from Bhutan.