Drezang, 500gm, Menjong Sorig
Zang Duk Choe Ma
Each 500gm powder contains Dza-ti and li-shi 71.5 gm, sug-smel, gur-gum and cu-gang 42.9 gm, ka-ko-la 85.7 gm, a-ru 114.3 gm.
Dae Suum Choe Ma (1kg)
Each 1000gm fine powder contains a-ru 500 gm, ba-ru 250 gm, skyu-ru 250 gm.
Men Dup (1kg)
Each 1000gm fine powder contains Aru 235.4 gm, ba-ru 141.2 gm, skyu-ru 117.7 gm, gur gum 23.5 gm, tsan dmar 23.5 gm, li ga dur 9.4 gm, na kyi 9.4 gm, bu ram 9.4 gm, bras 9.4 gm, shing mngar and 175 others 9.4 gm.
About the Artisan
Menjong Sorig Pharmaceuticals, otherwise known as Pharmaceutical and Research Unit under the Institute of Traditional Medicine Services in the Ministry of Health, is the premier manufacturer of the traditional herbal-based medicines supplied to all the Hospitals in Bhutan. It is a place where the modern science and technology is married with the ancient traditional knowledge. It is located in Kawa Jangsa in the capital city of Bhutan, Thimphu.
Traditional Medicine was introduced as a part of the National Health Care System in 1967, when production of traditional medicines was started on a very low scale. In 1982, the production of traditional medicines was mechanized with the procurement of some basic grinding equipment with WHO support. By 1997, the cottage production unit was upgraded to a manufacturing unit as the Pharmaceutical and Research Unit (PRU) with modern equipment for production, research and quality control.
The gso-ba rig-pa provides a comprehensive way of understanding the Universe, man, and his sicknesses and it is gaining popularity due to its holistic, rounded and profound approach in the treatment of human beings. The TM system with its unique philosophy and approach has a holistic approach in the treatment of human suffering and diseases. It not only considers in treating the disease and its causes but also considers the interdependency of man and nature and has spiritual component included in the treatment.