Bhutan Matsutake Tea (20 bags), 40g, Druk Herbal Cordyceps
- Pour boiling water over a tea bag placed in a cup and allow to brew for 5 to 10 minutes to get the best flavor and infusion. For maximum benefits, avoid adding sugar and milk. You can add two fresh mint leaves or small spoon of honey to make your Matsutake tea more enjoyable.
- We recommend two times a day, the concentration of cordyceps is under 2%, therefore, your body will best absorb the nutrients from Matsutake.
- Modern medicine found these mushrooms to be excellent sources of proteins, vitamins and minerals. They are full of vitamins A, B6, C and also thiamine, niacin and riboflavin and also contain plenty of minerals such as: potassium, sodium, iron, copper, calcium and phosphorus. Copper is important for many different biochemical reactions in the body and also for the production of red blood cells, which makes these mushrooms valuable. Potassium found in high amounts in matsutake mushrooms is responsible for the healthy heart and muscles and provide the fluid balance in the body.
- These mushrooms are complete without cholesterol and contain just traces of fat, and because of that, they are considered to be very healthy.
- Matsutake mushrooms are proven to be effective in fighting different cancers. Many medications are used to treat cancerous changes in the body but all of them affect the healthy tissue to some extent, causing serious side effects. If these anti-cancer medications kill cancer cells they will most certainly kill some of the healthy cells in the body, because the drugs can’t differentiate between healthy and cancer cells. Matsutake mushrooms are believed to be a natural anti-cancer remedy, that doesn’t have unwanted side effects.
- Matsutake mushrooms were proven helpful in over 85% in the some animal testing for carcinomas. They showed positive results on animals tested also for: solid cancers and cancers induced by chemicals. These mushrooms can prevent the metastasis of carcinoma cells, because they can affect and reinforce the immune system. They are also found to prevent the risk of cancers by regular consummation.
- Matsutake is reputed to be a natural anti-cancer remedy. Even so, there are few medical studies that back this claim up. Traditional healers, however, say that the pine mushroom can stop the growth of various cancer cells and have no side-effects. It is believed that regular consumption of matsutake can prevent even the most dangerous of cancers. One animal study seems to confirm this, concluding that matsutake has an 85 percent success rate in reducing the size of different carcinomas.
- Body systems supported by matsutake
- Understand that pine mushrooms are talked about more for their taste and aroma rather than their therapeutic benefits. As such, there is limited data on what the mushroom can achieve as a medicine. It is presumed, though not validated, that the mushroom can improve the overall immune system.
About the producer
Druk Herbal Cordyceps is an export company recognized and licensed by the Department of Trade, Ministry of Economic Affairs of Bhutan. Nima Yosel Dorji was the founder of the company and the company was initially started in the year 2012 which was gradually expanded its exports in the international market from 2016, Since then the company exported numerous high-quality Cordyceps Sinensis and Matsutake Mushrooms to various countries and it is one of the renowned exporter and distributor in Bhutan.
Druk Herbal Cordyceps is one of the leading wholesale exporters of all grades of Natural Cordyceps Sinensis in Asia. The Natural wild cordyceps of Bhutan are mostly exported in countries like Malaysia, Hongkong, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, China and even in western countries like United States and Europe. Providing the Natural and best quality with the optimum satisfaction to the customer is our priority.